Articles: Environment & Resource Management Law

Carbon Credits hit $18. The Fad is Back.

The price of carbon credits in the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme has hit the $18 mark for first time since late 2011. Traders and some foresters well may be licking their lips in anticipation of another cash boost courtesy of this beleaguered government scheme. But is there still money to be made from carbon trading?


Sharemilkers' Responsibilities

A decision of the Environment Court discussed the difficult position a sharemilker found himself in when working on a farm with an effluent system failure not of his making.


Conservation Related Offending

The Conservation (Natural Heritage Protection) Act 2013 may have gone unnoticed when it was passed into legislation, but itcan have serious consequences for offenders.

The aim of the Act

In short, it amends six of the main Acts administered by the Department of Conservation to create what is described as effective deterrence against conservation related offending.


Warning! Farm Owner Liability

A Taranaki farm owner appealed to the High Court against his conviction and sentence on charges laid in relation to the discharge of dairy effluent.

The farm owner argued on appeal that he had put his employed sharemilker in charge of the effluent disposal system on the farm, and as no problem had been brought to his attention, then his sharemilker was responsible for the offending and not him.


Trees - Tip-toeing in a Green-Coloured Minefield

Everyone loves trees right? Wrong.

Trees are planted when they are about one to two meters tall, add some sun and water and next thing you can, inadvertently, be causing headaches for your neighbours. Common problems include shading, loss of view and even damage. What can you do if your neighbour’s tree is causing you problems?